Postal is a 1997 isometric shooter video game developed by Running with Scissors and pusblished by Ripcoed Games for the Unreal Engine. The game contains 22 levels and follows a man known as Postal Dude as he "goes postal" and murders everyone in Paradise, Arizona. He believes the Air force is spreading some sort of disease amongst the people of Paradise and that he's the only one unaffected by the plague. He fights his way from his home all the way to the Air Force Base through 16 various locations, 4 through special delivery, and 2 more added previously Japanese-exclusive levels. The game ends as Postal Dude is restrained in a mental asylum after attempting to massacre an elementary school. Key word attempt. He didn't succeed. The game got a new version, Postal Redux, in 2016.
Postal 2 was released as a sequel to Postal in 2003. Unlike its predecessor, it's not in an isometric perspective but rather a first-person perspective. In this game, you play as Postal Dude once more. He's 6'8 and has a goatee. Gross! You carry on doing normal mundane tasks throughout the week given to you by the Postal Dude's wife AKA The Bitch. Throughout te game, Postal Dude must deal with the civilians in Paradise who are just assholes. He also has to deal with enemies, those enemies being the cops, Krotchy, SWAT team, ATF agets, al-Qaeda terrorists and many more. The thing that I like so much about the game is that you can choose to be a pacifist instead of killing anyone and anything that bothers you. The game ends with Postal Dude shooting himself in the head only to awake in the hospital in Postal 2: Apocolypse Weekend.
We don't talk about Postal 3.
I'm not a big fan of Postal 4 or Brain Damaged so they're not in this shrine but maybe they'll be added one day if I ever play them.

One thing I really like about the original Postal is the soundtrack. In postal 1 the loading screens are grainy and dark asl, it makes it hard to actually see what youre looking at- like yk what ur looking at but its hard to make out everything yk?? that and the loading screens dont move!! postal redux however brightens the loading screens (and changes them a tiny bit) and theres no static/grainy effect, its good ofc but doesnt create that same atmosphere the first ones did!! and they moveee!! i can excuse the lack of environment of postal redux just bc the loading screens move!! its a little frightening and disorientating (to me at least)!! i love them nonetheless!! the music (or lack there of) in postal 1 is very eerie and gives off minimalistic vibes!! like its scary but not like jumpscare scary, its quiet-ish and catches you off guard enough. in the levels too! theres music until youve completed the level in which youre left with silence, you hear nothing but postal dudes footsteps as you go onto the next level!! i think its really cool bc ppl just see postal as like a shooting game where blehh violence gore wtv but i think rws was trying to show like the aftermath of what you just did !! good on them! in postal redux thee the theee ost is also sorta quiet and eerie but theres a lot more noises going on and its very evident. theres like an echo w the "music" as well! idk ab in levels since its been a while since i played postal redux but ill add thta later when i play it again! for the outskirts level ost tho uhm uh theres a voice right, if u reverse it its the fucking so called demon that postal dude has saying like “Glad your okay. Come on, we have a virus to deal with, everyone is crazy except for you and me. Lets move." WHICH IS SO COOL THAT RWS DID THAT THEYRE SOBGHAJF AAA FOR THE NEXT LEVEL "parade of disasters" its the only like normal loading screen before postal dude goes completely bonkers! the ost that goes along w it is SO FUCKING AMAZING IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT like the loading screen image thing is uhh like dead ppl like in an alleyway, and i think the ost is interpreting how postal dude is hearing the parade going on in the bg, hearing the marching band's music in his twisted mind as wtv tf im hearing rn hahhahah!!! the ost for uhm the lvl after iss the bridge and theee loading screen is like teeth, i think thats the easiest way to identify it! oddly enough i find the uhm ost calming, its kinda like a clock in some wayy..the one AFTER it tho omg. the mines. best ost i think! it has a suspensful vibe, makes me feel like im one of the workers int he mine whose terrified and trapped ina tight dark space w some insane mf killin errbody!!! and the loading screen makes it much more suspencefull!! the rest of the songs after are great ofc but i have nothing special to say ab them! theee ending ost is good too!! when hes locked away in a mental asylumn or smth!! so silly, you can hear him banging on the door i believe as well as doctors talking and all the noises from outside, the tv everythingg!! the screaming at the end too!! i dont beleieve its postal dudes screaming tho hes too cool. the rampage ost tho for postal redux is straight fire. theres still the eerie-ish atmosphere but its more..like how do i say uhm!! like freddie dredd kinda style? its hyper but still you can feel the blood lust and murderous intent in it!! i really love listening to it XD