

i almost had a heatstroke at work >_<

IT WAS AWFUL OMG. like obviously having a heatstroke isn't gonna be fun but this junk sucks bro. this is my second time in my life nearing a heatstroke. the first time was when i was in 7th grade in georgia. i didn't feel like showing my body so i wore this jacket outside but it was super duper hot and my parents wanted to go on a walk for some reason. anywho it was awful and i hated it. now the second time was today at work. i was doing carts outside and lemme tell you, florida heat aint no damn joke!! my vision got spotty, i couldnt walk straight ugh it was HORRIBLE. i still got through it tho bc im such a strong and cool guy. plus i'd rather kill myself than have a fucking heatstroke. especially not at work. thatd be so embarassing. EVEN WORSE my manager wanted to be everywhere today and i couldnt text my pookie wookie bear when he could text me. like. i barely got to text this nigga at all bc this bitch wouldn't fuck off. and im sorry for calling her a bitch but her vibes are off i dont like the way she talks to me. its so condescending yuck!!!

uhmmmm i havent taken my meds two days in a row now because of an experiment...i wanna check if the reason i havent been able to write is because of my meds. my friend says his meds make him uncreative so im wondering if it could be the same for me. its not like anythings gonna come out of me not taking my meds, im perfectly fine as of now. minus seeing rick grimes while i was working LOL but other than that i've been fine. i havent tried writing but i will tomorrow. uhmmm my moods been alright, no mood swings (god bless) i havent been overthinking or depressed, i think, im fine!!! i dont even need these meds anymore bc i am a-OK!!! uhmmmm i think that's all, ya ya